
Every week we will announce two new workshops that will be held on the Animal Liberation Gathering. These will also be posted here.

There will be a program in Dutch, alongside a program in English. So at each moment there will be at least 2 workshops taking place.

SHAC - Pressure Campaigning

Language: English
Tom Harris, author of the fantastic book "Your Neighbour Kills Puppies" (also available at the Gathering) and one of the people behind the SHAC Justice Project, will be speaking about the most intensive and global campaign the animal rights/animal liberation movement has ever known: Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty. 

The campaign quickly grew into a worldwide movement against animal testing. 

Come listen to an incredibly inspiring and interesting lecture about the campaign, the state repression that followed, and what we can learn from this. 

 Do you want to campaign effectively and learn from past campaigns? Then you really shouldn't miss this lecture!

Chicken Liberation - What's next?

Language: English
Around a 100 million chickens are kept in the Netherlands alone. So it may just happen that you suddenly have the opportunity to rescue some of them, by whatever means... 

But how do you deal with these animals? How do you handle and care for them? What first aid can you provide and what help and care do they need in the long run? 

If you want to do anything for chickens, help them in any way possible, then this English workshop by Ex Legkipjes is highly recommended to attend!

Tracking the hunt

Language: once in English and once in Dutch
During this workshop, you will learn all about the hunt on big game (roe deer, wild boar, red deer,...) and how to locate hunting cabins.

The workshop will be given by someone from the former GroenFront! 
With an intensive campaign, they have been committed to fighting against hunting or years. This included organizing direct actions and creating a page where hunting cabins could be reported. Over 1500 cabins were listed on this page and less than a year after the campaign started, forest rangers reported a significant increase in hunt sabotage incidents since the campaign started. 

Even now, there are still online maps where discovered hunting cabins can be posted. So this workshop is very useful if you want to contribute to the fight against hunting in any way!

Please note: the workshop will take place outdoors. We will go into the forest. So bring walking shoes if you want to participate.

Effective Advocacy

Language: Dutch
As an academic psychological researcher, Mariëlle Stel (co-author of the article "Reducing Speciesism: An Intervention to Change People’s Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions") conducts research on reducing the psychological barriers to veganism. Research shows that while people are willing to consume fewer animal products, there are still many factors that prevent them from taking the step.

During the lecture, Mariëlle will delve into this topic. Based on her research, she will provide you with various practical tips to be more effective in conversations about veganism.

Do you engage in outreach, have conversations with family/friends or online about veganism, or participate in animal rights actions? Then you will find this lecture incredibly interesting! 

The Biocentric Vegan

Language: English
Coming from Belgium, the group Veganarchy will give a lecture titled "The Biocentric Vegan." This lecture will focus on intersectional veganism.
Learn all about recognizing oppression in various forms, as well as how to identify fallacies and biases in conversations.

Of course, the lecture will not only discuss the problem but also the solution: how to create a safer environment for you and your fellow activists? How do you translate theoretical knowledge into real-life situations? And how do you further develop yourself around this topic? 

In short: an incredibly interesting lecture that perfectly aligns with the pursuit of a world without oppression, exploitation, and exclusion of anyone.

Mindfulness for activists

Language: Dutch
If there is one thing activists must be prepared for, it is the frequent negative reactions they encounter. Swearing, animal cruelty, and sometimes even violence.

Most are familiar with stories of activists who drop out because they can no longer cope, experience burnout, or are deeply affected by what they experience.

In this workshop by Jan Kees, we will explore this theme in depth. You will learn how to deal with the stress that comes with activism and, just as important, how to prevent burnout.

Highly recommended if you plan to remain active in animal rights for a long time and want to take better care of yourself.

History of the Dutch Animal Liberation Front

Language: English
For many years, activists have been sneaking around barns, vivisection labs and hunting cabins in the middle of the night. At the risk of their own freedom, they try to liberate animals, cause economic damage and expose animal cruelty. 

But why do they do this? Does it work? And what are the consequences? We will delve into these questions and more in a lecture on the history of the Dutch Animal Liberation Front.

This is a must-attend lecture if you are interested in the history of the animal liberation movement!

The Practice of Direct Action

Language: English
269 Libération Animale is well known for their impressive and confrontational direct actions. Their blockades of slaughterhouses and liberations of animals have spread far and wide. 

In this workshop they'll take you on a journey through their story in which you will learn from their history, stratregies and how they developed to become a strong organization that defends direct action as a revolutionary path in the antispeciecist struggle.

A workshop you don't want to miss if you want to become an effective activist in the fight for animal liberation.

Out of the Box activism

Language: Dutch
An important aspect of activism is getting attention for your cause. The best way to do this is by being creative and carrying out actions that have never been done before. But how do you start with that? How do you stay original in a time when so many actions take place daily? 

In this workshop, activist group Konink will teach you all about this. How to think outside the box, what types of actions are possible, and how to turn your creativity into a successful action. 

In short: a workshop you can't miss if you want to organize an action that people won't soon forget!

The importance of Vigils

Language: Dutch
The number of animals that enter the gates of slaughterhouses daily is still enormous. These are all individuals who never got the life they truly deserved...

Why is it important to bear witness to this and capture footage by participating in a vigil? What is the reason we bring a final moment of love to these animals? 

In this lecture by Animal Save Nederland, you will learn all about it. But also how to prepare yourself for this and what kind of aftercare you can provide for yourself and others. 

Are you thinking about participating in a vigil, or do you want to organize one yourself? Then you shouldn't miss this workshop!

History of the Animal Liberation Front in the United Kingdom

Language: English
In this lecture, the former ALF activist Max Watson will tell you via first hand accounts, videos and a talk about the history, the successes, challenges and highlights of the ALF in the United Kingdom. The focus lies mainly on the period during the '90's. During this decade, the meat industry in the UK was becoming uninsurable and animal experiments dropped by around half the total numbers seen before, or since. 

This presentation will cover and include topics such as the ALF Economic Sabotage campaign, Keith Mann, Barry Horne, the Boots campaign, the successful breeder campaigns of the late 90's, The Justice Department, conspiracy trials, prison, the Live Exports mass protests in 1995 and Jill Phipps. In short: an unmissable opportunity to hear the truth behind the myths. 

Security Culture Puppet Show

Language: English
Something that is often forgotten in activist groups and when organizing an action is to initiate a proper security culture. In this short but fun puppet show you will learn more on this topic.

Through engaging characters and gripping narratives, it illustrates the importance of secure communication, trust, and solidarity. As the puppets maneuver through challenges, they reveal the tools and strategies essential for protecting identities and safeguarding movements.

It's not just a performance: it's a call to action, meant to inspire activists to uphold a healthy security culture as the backbone of their fight for justice. A performance you definitely shouldn't miss!

Camp Beagle: the fight against vivisection

Language: English
In June 2021, a protest camp erected outside the gates of MBR Acres: the only breeding facility for beagles for laboratories in the UK. This breeding farm supplies Charles River and Sequani, among others, and is a real hell for animals. Not much longer, if Camp Beagle has their way!

For three years they've been outside the gates of MBR Acres 24/7 and they are staying until this place closes down.

In this lecture, given by long-term activist John Curtin, you will learn more about the protest camp: why did they choose this tactic and why in this place? What are the successes and learning moments? You will also learn more about the fight against vivisection and what you can do to contribute to this. 

This lecture is a must-attend for anyone who feels powerless when hearing all the stories and seeing all the videos about animal testing, for anyone who wants to take action, and for those who want to learn more about Camp Beagle.

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